Staff Development

The Staff Development Programme is a cornerstone in fostering both personal and professional growth among faculty members. By creating an environment that encourages the continuous exchange of thoughts, ideas, and experiences, the program strengthens the teaching and learning process. Faculty members are not only exposed to the latest advancements in their respective fields but are also empowered to enhance their skills, attitudes, and methodologies through scientific application.

This program is designed to ensure that knowledge is continuously enriched, with regular sessions held once a month. Additionally, faculty members are actively encouraged to attend and organize various conferences and workshops, further broadening their horizons and ensuring they remain at the forefront of educational innovation. This commitment to professional development ensures that our educators are well-equipped to provide students with a high-quality learning experience that is both current and comprehensive.



Staff Development Committee Incharge

Mrs. Umadevi D

Assistant Professor

Hindusthan College of Health Science
