About Us
About Hidusthan Polytechnic College
Hindusthan polytechnic college was established in the year 2010. The college strives to impart quality education in the field of engineering and technology through a stimulating and innovative environment. The college is affiliated to Directorate of Technical Education, Chennai. Since inception, the college strives to establish itself as a world class nodal center of learning and training.
Vision & Mission
Our Vision
Hindusthan Group of Educational Institutions pursues a philosophy of perpetual acquisition of knowledge. Apart from academic curriculum, equally important is our policy to provide value based education and to bring out the hidden potentials in students that equip them to approach life with optimism.
Our Mission
Instructions end in class-room, not education. Learning is a phenomenon which goes on forever, and so does our relationship with our students. We, at HINDUSTHAN believe not only in educating the students, but also grooming characters thus building the Nation.
Ever since the inception, our aim has been to provide world-class facilities and infrastructure in Education and Learning. We firmly believe in leading and not merely following the lot. Setting new trends, introducing innovative training methodologies and guiding our students toward the Road to Success is what we sincerely aim at.
Our Values
- Collaboration with industries for effective industry institution interaction.
- Zeal to excel in academic and activities
- Additional employment and career enhancement programs along with regular process/course works.
- Consultancy & industrial services for industry & business establishments.
- Entrepreneurial development programs.
Quality Policy
Hindusthan Polytechnic College is committed to achieve recognition as an “get the best in everything” Education/ Ethics/ Excellence and “experience the excellence” by consistently providing quality education in the fields of Engineering and Technology with professionals by consistently providing quality education in the fields of Engineering, Technology & Management with professionalism and global outlook ensuring continuous improvement.
Quality Objectives
- To be oriented towards achieving professional growth of our students by providing need based education of higher relevance to the country’s progress in the field of Engineering & Technology
- To endeavor to create a highly congenial learning environment conductive to academic and research pursuits.
- To ensure the whole-sided development of personality along with academic achievements by organizing activities to develop character, leadership qualities and communication skills to our students.
- To embed the institution with qualified, experienced and highly committed set of faculty crowned with a missionary zeal and single-minded devotion towards guiding the students beyond the text books into the realism of advanced study, inculcating in them the attitude of inquisitive nature.
- To provide all the required academic facilities and freedom to the faculty to develop them professionally and to provide faculty development programs to hone their skills and talents and thus become better and proficient instructors.
- To organize National and State level symposia, conferences and seminars to help the faculty and students to keep pace with the latest development in the field of Science, Technology & Management.
Principal Message

I welcome all to Hindusthan Polytechnic College the Modern Temple of Learning!
At the very outset, I extend a hearty welcome to those of you desirous of joining our 'fold', I also consider it my duty to familiarize you about our vision “ INITIATE, INNOVATE, INCULCATE ”.
It is a matter of abiding joy in witnessing a gradual success of our institute. After its inception in 2010, the institute has been growing at a pace necessary for providing young and promising engineers who can work competitively, innovatively and offer engineering services on global fronts.
Learning is a continuous process at HPC. The faculties also keep them upgraded through research and consultancy projects.
At HPC, we believe in overall personality development, confidence building, and enhancing communication skills. In addition to moulding, the young brains to achieve academic excellence, the institute lays equal emphasis on social responsibility. Accordingly, on one hand when thrust is given on technical activities like seminars, guest lectures, conferences, workshops, industrial visits etc., on another hand students are motivated to do social services like organizing blood donation camp, helping the poor or orphanages etc.
Student Chapters like IE, ISTE, etc. have also been formed to encourage the students to interact with the outside technical fraternity to keep them updated about the ongoing technical innovations.
HPC has also framed a Vibrant Training and Placement cell which has close linkages with industries. Placement of students for industry training/projects through this cell has been benefiting students to a great extent.
We are committed to provide Quality Education to enable the Student Community to achieve academic and professional excellence .We endeavor to upgrade the real time academic competencies of students and educators through continual training, motivation and active involvement.
Thank you for your interest in HPC, a community of committed management, dedicated faculty, staff and motivated students.
- Diploma in Automobile Engineering,
- Diploma in Civil Engineering,
- Diploma in Computer Science Engineering,
- Diploma in Electrical and Electronics Engineering,
- Diploma in Electronics and Communication Engineering,
- Diploma in Mechanical Engineering,
In a nutshell, I feel elated to state that all our students, on completion of their tenure in our group of institutions are moulded into capable citizens of tomorrow thereby, fulfilling the needs of their parents, society and above all, represent their nation at global level. It is only when they achieve this target do we sit back and fondly reminisce over our achievements and beyond doubt also be spurred to perform still better.
Let me once again welcome you into our fold and hope you will also utilize this prized opportunity to its fullest extent to finally emerge as one among the brightest stars in the horizon of success.
Wishing you all the best and hope you have a pleasant and memorable tenure in our midst.
Er. & Prof.S.Kokilavani
Principal Profile

She obtained her Diploma (ECE) from Ayya Nadar Janaki Ammal Polytechnic College Sivakasi, and B.E (ECE) from Regional Engineering College (Presently NIT), Tiruchirrapalli. She also completed her M.E.(Embedded systems) from Anna University Tiruchy and pursuing Ph.D Research work in the area of wireless sensor Networks from Anna university, Chennai. She has finished her M.Sc information Technology in Alagappa University, Karaikudi. She has put in more than 27 years of teaching experience in various colleges and in which 5 years as principal. Has published many papers in reputed Journals and Conferences and guided more than 60 diploma Projects and 10 B.Sc and M.Sc.projects
She has attended more than 15 Seminars, FDP’s, Workshops and Conferences and has organized by NITTR,CIICP, and coordinated more than 12 programmes which includes National Conferences and AICTE sponsored Seminars, taken position as Convenor in SNS college of Engineering and technology. She has held Academic position as syllabus framing committee in autonomous polytechnic college.
She is a life member in Indian Society of Technical Education and Member in Indian society of Electronics and communication Engineers. She got best polytechnic faculty award and principal award from whole Tamilnadu which was conducted by Nehru Group of Institutions.
She has also commendable achievements during her tenure as Placement Head, successfully trained and placed many students besides developing number of MoU’s with leading corporates. She has coordinated Canada India Institutional Cooperation Project (CIICP) and Pradan Mandri Kowsal Vikash Yojana scheme (PMKVY). She has conducted many Motivational program and got best motivator institution award from Lions Club Coimbatore.
Our Institutions
- Hindusthan College of Arts & Science
- Hindusthan College of Engineering and Technology
- Hindusthan Institute of Technology
- Hindusthan College of Education
- Hindusthan School of Architecture
- Hindusthan Polytechnic College
- Hindusthan Matriculation and Higher Secondary School
- Hindusthan Kangaroo Kids Preschool
- Hindusthan IAS Academy
- Hindusthan Youth Empowerment Series